I'm english but I work primarily in a french milieu. While I now can speak the language well enough I've never felt that great about my consultation letters. It is much easier to speak to a patient in french than to dictate an intelligent letter to a knowledgeable french-speaking physician using medical jargon. My earliest attempts could best be described in radiological terms, degenerative and erosive. Fortunately I have fantastic secretaries at our office. They somehow take my garbled attempts and transform them into something Dupuytren or Forestier would be proud of. I often don't recognize the stuff that comes out, but it sure looks good.
That said, when I do write the odd english letter it still comes out sounding like Dupuytren was at the word processor. Usually the mistakes are benign, but not always. My colleague in the office once dictated to a hematologist;
...and would appreciate if you would follow the patient together with me.
It was typed out as;
...and would appreciate if you would blow the patient together with me.
Always read your letters.